Orange Carpet Visa

The Orange Carpet Visa Facility (OCVF) is a unique agreement with companies that do business in the Netherlands (Holland). This arrangement makes it easier for the employees of these companies to apply for visas when they frequently visit the Netherlands (Holland).

The company must be registered with OCVF in order to participate in this program.


  • You will be given a first visa with a one-year validity period and a second and subsequent visa with up to five-year validity periods.
  • Other than the once every-five years obligation to provide biometric data in person, you are not required to apply for a visa in person.
  • When applying, paying, and collecting, you will be given preference.
  • Less paperwork is needed to obtain a visa.
  • A letter of invitation from the Netherlands is not required. We accept your invitation given locally and signed by a representative of the company or group.

 It normally takes 4-6 days to receive your visa.

Registration procedure OC

By completing the application form and mailing it, along with the necessary supporting documentation,, your business or organization can apply to join the OC. Within 2-4 weeks, the Embassy or Consulate-General will review your application and let you know what they have decided. Your employees will be able to apply for their visas in accordance with OC rules if OC is approved.

For registration, the following documents are needed:

  • The registration number for OGRN or INN.
  • The Dutch company’s registration number with the NL Chamber of Commerce.
  • A formal letter from the Dutch entity verifying its connection to the applicant.
  • List of appointed staff members with signature samples who are permitted to sign the locally issued recommendation/support invitation letter from your business or organization.
  • A list of the couriers’ identities (and photos, if available) who deliver applications to the Netherlands Visa Application Center (NL-VAC), which will thereafter issue courier passes.

*By taking part in the OC, the company or organization guarantees the traveler’s safe return and is prepared to provide financial support for any expenses that may arise during or after the stay of the visa mentioned above applicants (and, if applicable, any accompanying family members) in any of the Schengen countries while they are traveling on a visa that was obtained through the OC.*

**When the Netherlands is not your first and primary European destination, the OC does not apply. Which Schengen nation should issue your visa depends on the length of your primary stay.**

***The short-term Schengen visa is invalid if the applicant plans to stay in the Netherlands for more than 90 days (long stay visa). To do this, one must apply for a permit for a provisional sojourn (or MVV), which must be processed through an embassy or consulate general but is ultimately decided by the Dutch Ministry of Justice’s Immigration and Naturalization Services (IND).***